Sunday, May 13, 2007

Brenda Vs. Violeta

So the saga continues. After our last visit Jo felt very bad that we were calling Violeta "Brenda". Jo was still thinking there was no way she could have got Brenda confused with Violeta, so we needed to get to the bottom of this mystery. When we went down to the main level of the Palace we noticed that the kids had drawn their own hand prints in the tile. One of the first names we saw was Brenda...hummmm, so I guess her name was Brenda. But then we looked at a few more tiles and found one that read Violeta. We checked the ages to see if that would give us a was 7 and one was 8, not much help. But now we knew that there was a Brenda and a Violeta, could they be sisters?

Well a little later one of the kids on the swing looked like Brenda/Violeta, sure enough her name tag was Brenda. So now we are 99% sure. Still need to find the ceremonies began, a little girl sat next to Jo. When Jo looked over at her she noticed that the name Violeta was embroidered on her jeans. It was like God plopped her right in front of us. What a day! Below you will see all of the pics we took as we looked for our clues and finally solved the mystery!

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